Sunday, May 29, 2011

Just because it looked good on Thursday doesn't mean that you should still be wearing it on Saturday.

This sentence inexplicably confused many people connected to my facebook profile. Frankly, I'm not entirely sure where they're all getting lost. It's simple, really.

Let's say that you buy a great dress, or a fantastic shirt, or some really excellent pants. You put it on Thursday morning and think to yourself: Damn, I look good! And maybe you do. Then, Friday rolls around, and you think to yourself: Damn, I looked good yesterday! I should totally wear that outfit again! Like, on another day, when it`s clean and stuff!

The reason that I'm getting all confused over here is that the last part of that second thought, the whole bit about maybe not being rather stank and wearing the same thing two days in a row, doesn't seem to really be a concern in Moscow. It seems to be totally normal and not gross at all to just wear the same outfit for two or three days on end. Now, I suppose that it's possible that the many, many Russians who do this, are doing laundry every night when they get home, and not in fact wearing a dirty outfit. More than likely though, they just don't think it's dirty to wear the same outfit for two or three days in a row. And maybe it's not. I guess that I'll never know; I can't muster up the courage to try it out for fear of being able to smell myself. This is rational.


sergei said...

Oh, my dear friend, it is not the last wonderful revelation of a kind that you are going to be entitled with in this wonderful city.
Wait a couple of week when it gets really summer-like warm, and your next log could be titled "Just because you took a shower on Sunday, it does not mean that you should not take it on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday".. :)

wildandfree said...

now - they totally do that in Korea too - I know I've seen a dude in the same jeans with a Wendy's - yes the burger chain logo - on the tush - on the bus - for 3 days. At least russian men have booty. Rock, paper, scissors - let's trade.

Becky said...

wildandfree - some Korean men have booty, too! Just probably not the one with the Wendy's logo on his ass, is all. I do hope that he's since found new pants.