Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Woe is the Won

Fuck this noise.

The Korean won has decided to die a horrible death just prior to my receiving my final pay checks and severance. In the end, I will probably "lose" close to a grand. Technically, I can't lose on something that hasn't been paid out yet. But, had I been scheduled to get out of here two months ago I would have had an extra grand. Happiness does not ensue. Much anger ensues.

Today, I hate Korea.

Even though it's not really entirely Korea's fault, I still hate Korea today. A lot.

A whole fucking lot.

Hey, remember when I was actually worth something? No? Me neither.

If the won continues to fall, to the point that it's no longer financially beneficial to work here in comparison to the soul sucking death that would be working in Ontario again next year (while I'm not going to test this theory, I think that stabbing my eyes out with a fork would be more awesome than working in Ontario next year), I won't be back. And that? Would suck. I've already been planning my return and I haven't even left yet.

So, what to do? Hold on to my increasingly worthless won? Convert every last won to the also-crapping-out Canadian dollar (would it kill the fucking Canadian dollar to crap out at a slightly faster rate than the won? Really? Can Canada not even fail properly?)? Have an awesome temper tantrum which involves clunking my head against the wall a few times? Leave most of my cash in won and come back anyways, in the hopes that it goes back up next year?

In the end, part of this is on me for deciding to work in a foreign country in the first place. Tomorrow, when I'm tired of hating Korea, I might be willing to take a little more responsibility for my own decisions. Or I might temporarily forgive Korea and just be angry at Canada for refusing to fail fast enough.

I could really use a poutine right about now. A basic understand of economics wouldn't hurt either.

I lack both.


Joshua Beagle said...

d exchange it when the won goes back up?

Big White Barbie said...


I might have overreacted - just a touch.


Amanda said...

Hey, this won't make you feel any better, but because of the stock market, I lost $100 in the last month.

A day.

$100 a day.

Every day.

For the last month.

Anonymous said...

hold onto the won as long as u can...

Big White Barbie said...

Amanda - That doesn't make me feel any better, but I am sad for your stock. Hopefully it will rebound, eh.

And for the anonymous comment - thank you so much for providing that link. I'm trying to keep up (which, given my minimal understanding of economics, has been confusing), so every bit of information is fantastic. I'm probably only to convert what I need for the two months that I'm at home, and keep the rest in won for when I return to Korea... but, we'll see.