I imagine a soju fountain in the waiting room. The main event, a magical vitamin shot in the ass, promises eternal youth.
My lofty expectations are largely a result of misreading "Life" as "Youth".
This is most interesting thing that I've come across in the past two weeks. This is laregly a result of leaving the apartment as little as possible lately, in the hopes of avoiding people so disgusting that immediately want to puke in their face (these people tend to be drunk, unshowered, wearing piss on their leg, and think that I wish to keep them in my line of sight for any longer than is absolutely necessary). Earlier today I caved and went to the store, because drinking water is important. I only encountered two individuals who we would all be better of without. This would be encouraging were the store not 10 meters away from my building.
Were they drunks or just low life KKKOreans?
In this neighborhood there are an abundance of both, so it's hard to say.
You make Busan so appealling that I must get down there immediately! I think you may have a nicer shade of drunk down there than in Seoul but maybe they're just covered in a different shade of pee.
Busan and is hit and miss. My area is full off pissants and their vomit, but other spots aren't so bad.
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