Sunday, January 18, 2009

It's Not Always About You, Korea.

A former coworker, and Busan local, caught me explaining to my brother that Korea smells 100 times worse than Toronto. Or at least it did, before sensory adaptation resulted in the death of my sense of smell some time last November.

My coworker was thoroughly unimpressed.

First, she advised me that she's Korean. You know, just in case I hadn't taken the fact that I was the only foreign teacher at my school and connected the dots yet. Once she was satisfied that I properly understood this point, she explained that she loved her country. Because apparently if you love your country just the right amount, it will no longer smell like garbage. I'm going to try this and see if I can love Harper out of office. Finally, she huffed that she was sorry I felt this way and stormed off.

Colour me confused.

This reminded me of this one time that I was walking around Seomyeon with a friend and being a massive asshole as I provided a running commentary of absolutely everything about Korea that sucked. As I commented on everything in particular about our surroundings that struck me as suck, my friend finally inquired as to what my issue with Korea was. She failed to understand that I have an issue with everything, and just happened to be in Korea at the time of conversation.

Had my former coworker understood this point and accepted that I'm just a fucking dick, we may still be friends.

Alternatively, had I accepted that some folks get their panties in a twist when you speak an ill word of anything even remotely related to their nation, we may still be friends. But that would have required my not being a dick.

I want to punch nationalism in the face.


Amanda said...

You're such a funny poster. I'm glad you're back in Korea.

Anonymous said...

I like you blog too, it's funny.

Korea smells like shit! also, vomit, sewage, dead animals, etc. I've been to cities that have open sewers - you have to be careful not to fall in while walking down the street - and the primary form of garbage disposal is a fire - but it still didn't smell anything like Korea (Seoul).

Beth said...

canada sucks.

....and yes. korea smells. but i don't think it smells like garbage. usually, i just get big huge whiffs of sewage.

Anonymous said...

don't know what to say, you said it yourself, you're a loser, enough said

p.s: anyone who likes this blog as above. Go back home emo angst people

Big White Barbie said...

" emo angst "? Really? While I'm flattered to find that I've somehow managed to tap into the tween demographic with my five readers, I'm not sure that it's really age appropriate.

Scott said...

Wow, a big fat Barbie that is a dick as well! Colo(u)r me impressed!

Big White Barbie said...

While I'm not sure when Fat became the new White, I think that I like it.