Saturday, December 19, 2009

It Must be That Time of Year

I've reached that point in my stunted emotional development where I start to think that coming back would be a good idea. It really wouldn't be. At least, not without trying something else first. I know that. Still. It would be nice if what is best would coordinate with what is easy for once.


Drew said...

Ahhhhhh, such a dilemma (seriously)!

I was living in Edmonton, Canada for 4 months last year and faced a great challenge. I ended up coming back home and dropping out of the graduate program I was attending. I blame that more on the unwelcoming academics than anything.

I'm leaving for Korea to teach in Incheon in February. I worry about what you're talking about. That urge to pack up and move home can be so strong at times. It helps to have friends for support and people around you who can take your mind off of those thoughts.

Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Korea has more than enough nose-pinching malcontents who are too lazy or unambitious to drag themselves away from the EFL tit. Do yourself and everyone a favor and leave if that's how you feel.

Big White Barbie said...

Truth has been spoken: The last thing Korea needs is ESL teachers jumping to another continent for a few months, upgrading their credentials, and then coming back, better teachers than before. I mean, holy shit. Nothing about that is okay.

Anonymous said...

Oops. My bad for thinking "something else" meant "something else".