Monday, September 15, 2008

Barbie, Why Do You Keep Changing Your Blog?

I've recently been switching templates and reorganizing stuff around here for the same reason that I frequently refer to myself in the third person, using a moniker that isn't even close to my real name: Because I'm crazy. In truth, I'm planning on moving the blog and creating my own template for it once I'm an unemployed bum back in Canada Land with too much time on my hands. In the mean time, if I do anything particular offensive, feel free to comment.


Amanda said...

Don't delete this blog! Please! You're one of the funniest Korean bloggers out there!

Big White Barbie said...

I'm not planning on deleting it. Just cleaning it up a little bit and possibly moving it to a more apt url. It will be a slow transition, so you'll know when it's going to happen. I won't be deleting any content; I plan on moving all the old posts to wherever this ends up. Also, by "cleaning it up a little bit", by knows means do I intend to curse less. I just hope to come up with my own template so that I can organize things how I want them, is all!