Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cribbage, Euchre, Rummy, and Other Such Forms of Amusement

The tragedy of my current line-up of friends is that none of them like to play cards. When similar tragedy struck early on during my first contract, I rectified the situation by getting a group together via Pusan Web. At this exact moment, and roughly half of the other moments that I experience, neither Pusan Web nor Korea Bridge are working. I'm sure it's just my connection. Nonetheless, if anybody is down with the not even remotely lame, super amazing experience that is playing cards, drop me an email (bigwhitebarbie at gmail dot com). I'd love to get a group going again. I play cribbage, euchre, a couple of Rummy-style games, and would be happy to learn more. Except for poker. I don't bet money, and poker without betting is positively blah.


Anonymous said...

I look forward to reading the outcome of each and every game on your blog.

Big White Barbie said...

I live to please you.

karl said...

||I look forward to reading the outcome of each and every game on your blog.||

I believe you do.

Leena. said...

Chole, you could do good deeds and play cards with lonely old people. All old bags love playing cards.

Or, return to daily drunkenness and have your vagoo ravaged. Slut.

Anonymous said...

karl to the rescue.

Leena. said...

Karl defends his girl. Whatchu gonna do about it.

matteh said...

I miss playing euchre and am tired of getting drunk with foreigners on weekends. Getting plastered mid-week is entirely brilliant. drop me a line if you need another player.

Leena. said...

Karl, stop sending erotic emails to our Loud Black Barbie, please.